
Caesars Free Online Casino

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After New Jersey legalized online gaming in 2013, many of the state’s land-based casinos rushed to open online versions. One of the first to open was Caesars Online Casino, which is one of the oldest and most-trusted names in New Jersey gaming.

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  1. Caesars Casino launched as part of the first wave of NJ regulated online gambling sites.It accepted its first real-money wager in November 2013. Since then, it has grown to become the biggest and most distinctive online casinos under the Caesars Entertainment umbrella, and it expanded its reach to include Pennsylvania in 2020.
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Thanks for this post from:
I just posted my blog entry on the Holland Casino in Amsterdam. It still probably has a lot of typos as my proofreader is on vacation. If you find any, please PM them to me.
As always, I welcome all questions, comments, and especially corrections.
The question for the poll is what would be your favorite activities in Amsterdam?
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.

I just posted my blog entry on the Holland Casino in Amsterdam. It still probably has a lot of typos as my proofreader is on vacation. If you find any, please PM them to me.
As always, I welcome all questions, comments, and especially corrections.
The question for the poll is what would be your favorite activities in Amsterdam?

For your poll, my fav activities are food-related: exploring street food, cheeses, and raw herring! Sorry, it's not on your list, and you had no 'Other' selection, but I have many fond memories of Amsterdam and nearby Volendam.Caesars Free Online Casino
WRT your report, here is a short list of additions to consider - they won't take away from your positive comments, and might even further enhance your report!
Not everyone is as well traveled as you, so perhaps
1. Insert the current exchange rate? insert a map showing WHERE's the Netherlands in Europe?
2. Add a map showing the concentric half rings of canals you talk about
3. Some pix of the casino would be great

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I unsuccessfully could not find typos or corrections, but someone else might. Did you send a link of your favorable review to the Holland Casino folk?
Nice report,
Eat real food . . . and you won't need medicine (or a lot less!)
Thanks, good suggestions. I just implemented all three.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
As always I love your travel reports. Where else did you go on this trip? Any other trips upcoming or trips abroad that you'd like to take? I'm jealous of how much you have travelled, they sound like amazing adventures.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
Thanks for the report Wizard! I enjoyed it very much. Is public drinking allowed in Amsterdam? I am surprised the casino doesn't provide alcohol for the players, but maybe that is a condition of their licensed monopoly.
What purpose do the semi-circular canals serve? Were they for irrigation, transportation; or defense, like a moat?
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci

Thanks, good suggestions. I just implemented all three.

IMHO, the posting quality just increased 300%.
Eat real food . . . and you won't need medicine (or a lot less!)
I suppose the prices of a few things may interest some. How do they sell marijuana, I assume by the cigarette? Price? What are the costs in the red light district? Did you try any Dutch East Indian food? Excellent report, thanks for the kind words for the home of my fathers.
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
Thanks for this post from:
Nice report. I voted for canal tour, since that's what my wife and I did on our only day ever in Amsterdam, at the end of a trans-Atlantic cruise. We really took a bus tour of the city, with that including a short boat tour on the canal and I would certainly repeat that portion of the visit. I think I only have three comments to offer:
(1) At the end of our visit, I discovered by chance the 'other' Holland Casino in Amsterdam, a small one that is located in the airport and which does include table games. I posted a tale of my visit and an image of my souvenir chip in the Casino Chip of the Day thread.
(2) In that post, I included (behind a spoiler button) a photo I took from the boat while on that canal tour. It was taken in a spot where you can see the water passing under seven bridges that cross a straight section of the canal -- very interesting, at least to me. The posted photo may be too small for most people to be able to count those bridges, but I could provide a larger image if folks were interested. (I just tried, and on my Mac it is possible to drag that photo to the desktop and then view it a bit larger. Don't know how it works on other computers.) I have a print of that photo among the many hanging on our condo walls. Right after the spoiler button in that post, I included a paragraph with an amusing comment made by our tour guide.
(3) If you wanted to add another educational tidbit to your blog entry, you might explain (for all of us Stupid Americans) the difference between Holland and The Netherlands.

As always I love your travel reports. Where else did you go on this trip? Any other trips upcoming or trips abroad that you'd like to take? I'm jealous of how much you have travelled, they sound like amazing adventures.

Thanks for the kind words. This was just a 12-day trip to Amsterdam and Brussels. I wish it could have been longer. By the time you're 52 I think your passports will be more impressive than mine, given your recent tour of Asia.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
Thanks for this post from:

Thanks for the report Wizard! I enjoyed it very much. Is public drinking allowed in Amsterdam? I am surprised the casino doesn't provide alcohol for the players, but maybe that is a condition of their licensed monopoly.

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I can't think of anywhere in the world I've seen free drinks in a casino outside of the United States and I've played all over the place. The only reason 'free' drinks survive here, in my opinion, is that tipping is expected, so it really isn't free.

What purpose do the semi-circular canals serve? Were they for irrigation, transportation; or defense, like a moat?

Transportation mainly. The land is so flat there that it made sense to make canals instead of streets. I'm not sure why they did them in semi-circles, now that I think about it. I should have asked the guide of my canal tour. I assume it started with just one ring and they kept adding more as the population expanded.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.