
Pictionary Online

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Pictionary is a fun drawing game for all ages. Players draw a word and their team must guess the word. The team that guesses the most words correctly wins.

Sketchful.io is a free online drawing and guessing game. Play pictionary with anyone in the world! Be the fastest to guess and earn the most points to win! Sketchful.io can't be played in landscape position.

  1. And that combination makes Teams the perfect platform on which to play Pictionary with your team! Drawing Inspiration. To play Pictionary in Teams, begin by choosing a host. The host’s duties are simple. He or she compiles a list of things other players have to draw.
  2. Pictionary is a classic family game were teams battle it out to win by drawing words. To start, put your students into teams. Teams of 2/3 students works best but you can increase this as needed. One student comes to the board and is given a word. This student has to draw this word as best they can while the other team members guess what the.
  3. Pictionary Games for Everyone! Ready to sketch your way to the ultimate victory? Try all the exciting new twists on the favorite party game, Pictionary! Year after year since 1985, this hilarious quick-draw classic has proven to be the perfect pick for family fun and game nights with friends.
  4. Pictionary Games for Everyone! Ready to sketch your way to the ultimate victory? Try all the exciting new twists on the favorite party game, Pictionary! Year after year since 1985, this hilarious quick-draw classic has proven to be the perfect pick for family fun and game nights with friends.

What You Need to Play

  • Four or more players. For 3 player variation, click here for detailed instructions.
  • Whiteboard (dry-erase board), chalkboard or paper
  • Marker, chalk, pen or pencil

Set Up

Pictionary online, free

Group Pictionary Online

  1. Form two teams. Each team should have at least two players.
  2. The teams must determine the following before beginning to play:
    • Difficulty level(s) to use in Wordraw (eg. Easy, Medium, Hard)
    • Time limit to draw (generally 1 minute)
    • Number of rounds or number of points required to win
    • If hand gestures allowed
    • If guessing part of a word counts as a point
  3. Select one team to draw first. This is the first drawing team.


  1. On the drawing team, select a player to draw first. For each new round, a different player will draw.
  2. The non-drawing team will use Wordraw to select a word to draw.
  3. Show this word to the drawing player. Do not show his/her team.
  4. Once the drawing player has seen and agreed on the word, you’re ready to start the turn.
  5. Start the timer and the drawing player starts drawing the word. No talking, letters, words or numbers are allowed. Symbols ($, +, etc.) and erasing are allowed.
  6. The drawing team must guess the word being drawn. Any number of guesses are allowed.
  7. The turn ends when the drawing team guesses the word or when the timer runs out. If the word was guessed correctly, the drawing team scores a point. If the word was not guessed, the drawing team does not get a point.
  8. The next turn begins and the next team becomes the drawing team. Repeat the above steps.
  9. The round ends when all teams have drawn once. Start a new round and repeat the above steps.
  10. The game ends when the required number of rounds or points have been reached. The team with the most points wins.

Online Pictionary Game With Friends

Click here for game play variations and more word games.

Jump down to the Generator

It can be difficult to arbitrarily come up with good words to use in your game, so this Pictionary word generator will give you suggestions and ideas for good words to use for your game. Some of the words are easy and some are hard, I leave this up to you to decide how hard to make it. For example if you're playing Pictionary with kids, pick easy words, but if you're playing with teenagers or adults, pick the harder words to describe with pictures. You may also use the Pictionary word list below the generator to keep track of words you have already used, just transfer the words you have used to the 'favorite list' by clicking on them.

Pictionary is a game which can be played online or as a physical board game. There are two player roles in the game and it is recommended that you play with at least four people to maximise your fun. The first thing to do when you start playing is to split your players into teams of two. One player from each team will draw clues as pictures for their team mate to figure out what the pictures represent. If your team mate does not figure out what your drawings mean quick enough, the other team can have a shot at stealing your turn! You should also switch who draws the Pictionary clues each turn. If you bought the Pictionary board game, you can read more information about the game rules on the instruction sheet.

Tip: Sketches can not include letters, numbers or symbols.

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Pictionary online for kids

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