
Rock Paper Scissors Online

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President Reagan began regulatory reform with Executive Order 12291, titled simply “Federal Regulation”; President Clinton watered it down with EO 12866; and President Trump beefed it up with EO 13771 (“Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs”) and EO 13777 (“Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda.”) The executive orders required a cost/benefit analysis to assure that the costs of major regulations would be compared with their benefits. But on his first day in office, President Biden revoked those executive orders with his own memorandum titled “Modernizing Regulatory Review.” If you read the memorandum carefully, you’ll see that the word “modernizing” is inapt. Indeed, the memorandum would more accurately be labeled “Replacing Cost/Benefit Analysis with Rock, Paper, Scissors.”

Rock Paper Scissors Free online game with your friends, parents, colleagues or enemies:) Rock paper scissors (also known by other orderings of the three items, with ' rock ' sometimes being called ' stone ', roshambo or ro-sham-bo) is a hand game usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes. Online events are our thing: team-building trivia games, birthday parties for any age, remote reunions, and virtual anniversary celebrations where guests to connect and celebrate safely. Everyone plays and everyone has fun when Rock Paper Scissors creates, facilitates and hosts your virtual trivia p. About Online Rock Paper Scissor. Play the original rock paper scissor game online. Go up against our computer robot and decide rock, paper or scissors. Rock, paper, & scissor is a classic game that has been around for decades. You can entertain yourself virtually for hours with this game.

This is from David R. Henderson, “Open Season For New Regulations,” Defining Ideas, February 4, 2021.

Another excerpt:

But even if that weren’t a problem, there are two other major problems. First, notice that the OMB is being put in a position not so much to screen regulations as to propose them. Does this mean the agencies will quit proposing regulations and passively await direction from the OMB? No way. Indeed, the memorandum reads as if President Biden is proposing that OMB be a cheerleader for new regulation. He states that he wants OIRA to “play a more proactive role in partnering with agencies to explore, promote, and undertake regulatory initiatives that are likely to yield significant benefits.” Rah, rah, sis boom bah.

The second major problem is one that anyone with much experience dealing with bureaucracy will probably notice: with so many possible criteria, regulators will have running room to implement regulations they like because those regulations pass some criteria even while they fail others. The regulators might, for example, choose a regulation that promotes public health and safety but at the expense of economic growth. Without cost/benefit analysis as a guide, how will they trade off between these two criteria? Any way they like.

Note also the disappointment I express with Cass Sunstein’s take. He should know better.

Read the whole thing.

What the Spock is this?

Play rock paper scissors lizard spock with a friend or enemy live over the web to break a tie, resolve a ‘debate’, or kill time before season two of The Witcher arrives.


Online dispute resolution used to be tedious, so I made this.

How to play

  1. Send the link above to your frenemy.
  2. Wait here for them to show up.
  3. The game begins automatically when your friend arrives.

I like to dictate the victory conditions in my game invitations. 'First to 37 wins gets free drinks all night, suckah!' is sure to leave others marvelling at your deep pockets and generosity of spirit.

Start a new game

Visit the homepage at https://rpsls.net to generate a new link.

Get a room!

Set up a named room for regular games with your sweetheart or nemesis by using your own hashtag. It saves you having to fling links around all the time. e.g. https://rpsls.net#chewbacca

Play a random weirdo [BETA]

If you're daring or friendless, you can play a total stranger from among the Web's finest by visiting https://rpsls.net?random.

Random players are machine-selected from the FBI's Most Wanted list, your local library, and a Swedish Internet café that smells of sadness and lingonberries.


Rock Paper Scissors Online Icq

Other stuff you should know

  • All rooms have a two-player limit. You'll get booted into a new game if you visit a room that's full.
  • You can play yourself by opening two browser windows. It's not as fun as it sounds.
  • To chat or report bugs, I'm @nickcernis on twitter and nick@cern.is on email.

Rock paper scissors lizard what now?

Lizard spock is a free expansion pack for the much-loved game of rock paper scissors. The additional characters were added by Sam Kass and Karen Bryla before being adopted, reordered, and overpopularised by The Big Bang Theory.

Lizard and Spock reduce the chance of a tie by eating, smashing, poisoning or vaporising their opponents, as is their birthright.

The rules

Scissors cuts paper. Paper covers rock. Rock crushes lizard. Lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors decapitates lizard. Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock. Spock vaporizes rock. Rock crushes scissors.

Rock Paper Scissors Online With Friends

Watch the video for additional torment / schooling.


Illustration, design, and code is by Nick Cernis. Find me on twitter @nickcernis or email nick@cern.is


Rock Paper Scissors Online Pe

The game's 100% JavaScript, backed by Firebase. It's served by Netlify. Titles are set in JAF Domus Titling Web and body copy is set in Facit Web. Animations are powered by the GreenSock Animation Platform.